Car Rental

Here are 12 ways to find cheap car rentals:

  1. Book in Advance: Rental prices often increase as the rental date approaches. Booking in advance can help you secure lower rates.
  2. Compare Prices: Use comparison websites such as Kayak,, or Expedia to compare prices across different rental companies. They often offer exclusive discounts and deals.
  3. Look for Discounts and Coupons: Search for rental discounts and coupons online before booking. Websites like RetailMeNot or Honey often have codes that can be applied to car rental bookings for extra savings.
  4. Utilize Membership Discounts: Many organizations offer discounts on car rentals as a perk of membership. Check if you qualify for discounts through memberships like AAA, AARP, or frequent flyer programs.
  5. Consider Alternative Pickup Locations: Renting from locations outside of airports or popular tourist areas can sometimes result in lower prices due to lower demand.
  6. Choose a Compact Car: Opting for a smaller, more fuel-efficient car can often be cheaper than renting a larger vehicle.
  7. Avoid Additional Fees: Be mindful of additional fees such as insurance, additional drivers, or underage driver fees. Review the rental agreement carefully to understand all potential charges.
  8. Look for Free Cancellation Options: Some rental companies offer free cancellation options, allowing you to cancel or modify your reservation without penalty if you find a better deal later.
  9. Book Package Deals: Consider booking your car rental as part of a travel package that includes flights and accommodations. Some websites offer discounts for bundling services together.
  10. Negotiate: Inquire about discounts or negotiate for a lower rate, especially if you’re renting for an extended period or during off-peak times.
  11. Use Credit Card Benefits: Some credit cards offer benefits such as rental car insurance coverage or rewards points that can be redeemed for discounts on car rentals.
  12. Sign Up for Loyalty Programs: Joining rental car loyalty programs can earn you points or discounts on future rentals. It’s worth signing up if you frequently rent cars.